How To Boost Email Open Rates

How To Boost Email Open Rates

As website and small business owners, we all know the importance of email marketing. It is one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers and make sales. However, we often struggle to get our subscribers to open our emails. According to studies, the average email open rate is around 20%, which means 80% of our subscribers are not even opening our emails. In this blog post, I will share some tips on how to boost email open rates.

Use Preheader Text

What is preheader text, and how does it work?

Preheader text is the short text that appears in the inbox preview before the email content. It is also known as the email snippet. Preheader text is usually 50-100 characters long and gives the email recipient a sneak peek into what the email is all about.

The preheader text is usually pulled from the first few lines of the email content. Suppose you don’t customize your preheader text. In that case, it will be auto-populated by your email service provider, and it might not be effective in getting your subscribers to open your emails.

What is magnetic preheader text, and why is it important?

Magnetic preheader text is preheader text that is designed to grab the attention of the email recipient and make them want to open the email. It is usually a short, compelling text that complements the subject line and entices the email recipient to open it.

Magnetic preheader text is essential because it sets the tone for the email and gives the recipient a reason to open it. It makes the email recipient curious and excited about what is inside the email.

How do you create magnetic preheader text that works?

Creating magnetic preheader text that works involves two main things: understanding your audience and testing. You need to know your audience to create preheader text that resonates with them. Your preheader text should speak directly to your audience’s pain points, needs, and desires. It should address a specific problem and provide a clear benefit.

Testing is also essential in creating magnetic preheader text that works. You need to test different preheader text to see which one performs better. A/B testing is an effective way of testing preheader text. You can send the same email to two different groups of subscribers with different preheader text. This will help you determine which preheader text drives more email opens.

Examples of magnetic preheader text:

  • Here are some examples of magnetic preheader text that you can use to boost your email open rates:
  • You won’t believe what we have in store for you!
  • Don’t miss out on our biggest sale of the year!
  • Get ready to transform your business with these tips!
  • Discover the secret to getting more leads with this free guide!
  • Get insider access to our exclusive deals and promotions!

The Impact of Magnetic Preheader Text on Conversion Rates

Using magnetic preheader text doesn’t just increase email open rates. It also significantly impacts conversion rates. A compelling preheader text piques the recipient’s curiosity, making the email more likely to be opened.

Once the email is open, there is a greater chance for the reader to follow through with the intended call to action, whether it’s clicking on a link, making a purchase, or signing up for an event.

The preheader can also reinforce the message in the subject line, building a cohesive narrative that guides the recipient through the email, thus increasing the potential for conversion. More importantly, magnetic preheader text contributes to a positive user experience by giving context to the email content.

Which, in turn, builds trust with the audience. This trust paves the way for higher engagement rates and, subsequently, higher conversion rates. Therefore, the significance of magnetic preheader text extends beyond open rates to bolster conversion rates and foster client relationships.

Craft Compelling Subject Lines

Be Clear and Concise: Your subject line should get straight to the point and avoid unnecessary fluff. Long subject lines can be cut off, so keep it under 50 characters.

Use a Personal Touch: Using your recipient’s name in the subject line can make your email feel more like a personal conversation rather than a mass marketing message.

Intrigue Your Audience: Stir your recipient’s curiosity by asking a question or using a surprising fact in your subject line. This can entice them to open the email to find out more.

Create Urgency: Adding time-limited offers or deadlines in your subject line can encourage recipients to open your email sooner rather than later.

Use Action Verbs: Starting your subject line with an action verb can make it sound more compelling and urge your audience to act.

Remember, your subject line should always match the content of your email to maintain trust with your recipients. Test different subject lines to see what works best for your audience.

Keep Your Emails Concise

Emails that are concise and to the point tend to perform better. In today’s fast-paced world, individuals usually don’t have the time or patience to read lengthy emails. Therefore, your emails should be precise and deliver your message clearly in the fewest possible words. Present your most important information up front in a prominent email area.

This approach ensures that even if the recipient doesn’t read the entire email, they can still grasp the essence of your message. It’s not about the quantity of words but the quality of your content.

By keeping your emails concise, you respect your recipients’ time, improve readability, and increase the chances of a response or meaningful action taken based on your email. Testing the length of your emails can provide valuable insights into what your specific audience prefers.

Include One Call-to-Action Button Per Email

Every effective email should include a strong call-to-action (CTA). The CTA prompt tells the reader precisely what you want them to do next: buy a product, sign up for a newsletter, or download an e-book. To make your CTA as effective as possible, including one CTA button per email is recommended. This way, the reader’s attention isn’t divided between multiple actions and is more likely to follow through on the desired action.

Incorporate your CTA into a button with contrasting colors to make it stand out, and use compelling language that prompts action. For example, instead of a generic “Click here,” opt for more engaging phrases like “Download your free guide now” or “Claim your discount today.”

Your CTA should be clear, concise, and aligned with the goal of your email. A/B testing different CTAs can also help you understand what motivates your audience and leads to higher conversion rates.

Incorporating Noticeable Text Links

In addition to CTAs, including noticeable text links in your emails can further encourage recipients to take the desired action. Text links should be visually distinct and briefly explain where the link will take the user. Use a different color or underline the hyperlink text to make them stand out. For instance, “Discover more about our services here” or “Read our latest blog post here.”

Ensuring these links are relevant to the email content and provide value to the recipient is crucial. Overloading an email with too many links can overwhelm the reader and dilute the main message.

Carefully select and place your text links to guide recipients toward your desired action. Always test the effectiveness of your text links in driving engagement and conversions to refine your email strategy.

Preview and Test Your Emails Before Sending

Before hitting the send button, previewing and testing your emails is crucial. This step ensures that all elements, including subject lines, preheader text, CTAs, and text links, display correctly across various devices and email clients. Preview your email on different screens to check how it appears on desktop and mobile devices. Is the sizing correct? Are images loading correctly? Is the text easy to read?

In addition to visual checks, conduct functionality tests for all clickable elements, like your CTAs and text links. Make sure they redirect to the correct destinations. Testing your emails on various email clients (like Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo) is also a good idea, as functionality and display can sometimes differ.

Lastly, consider sending a test email to yourself and a small group within your organization. Encourage them to read through and interact with the email, giving feedback on overall readability, coherence of content, and the effectiveness of calls-to-action. This approach allows for any final adjustments before sending your email to its intended recipients. Remember, taking the time to preview and test is a worthwhile investment, increasing the likelihood of higher engagement and conversion rates.


In conclusion, crafting effective marketing emails involves several vital strategies:

Craft Compelling Subject Lines: Use personalized elements, create intrigue, instill urgency, and utilize action verbs.

Keep Emails Concise: Be precise and clear, with the most crucial information upfront.

Include One Call-to-Action Button Per Email: Make sure your CTA stands out and clearly articulates the next step for the reader.

Incorporate Noticeable Text Links: Use visually distinct links that align with your email content and guide recipients toward your intended action.

Preview and Test Your Emails Before Sending: Ensure all elements display correctly across different devices and email clients and that all links function as intended.

Remember, the effectiveness of your email strategy can be improved through continuous testing and refinement.


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